Sarbach Advertisement
Sarbach started as a real estate company striving for Swiss quality life, and they reached out to international markets to expand their market category. To target international clients for their advertisement, we showcased Swiss signature landscape, culture, craftsmanship, and holiday activities to catch customer's attention.
Agency: Real Estate Sarbach, Switzerland
My role: Graphic designer
Make a bright future together
To broaden Sarbach's international market, I was assigned to design posters to improve brand awareness to their current target audience–Asian tourists, as Sarbach's office is at the center of Leukerbad, the tourism city famous for its hot spring. The poster aimed to visualize the strong friendship between Switzerland (Sarbach group) and the Asia clients. Therefore, the hero image displays two auspicious animals – Chinese dragon and Swiss cow, side by side, like yin and yang, interconnected to each other. In addition, the illustration corresponds to both cultures and the color scheme builds a festival vibe.

Firstly, I thought about well-known symbol for both countries - assuming China and Switzerland. I envision a Chinese dragon and a Swiss cow, making a circle together like brothers and sisters upon the Earth.

Secondly, I added various cultural elements from two countries around the circle, demonstrating the exchange and integration of two cultures. A draft of layout composition was revealed at this stage.

Finally, I decided the composition and the layout, and transformed the sketch into a digital illustration. I also margined the handwriting font and business information.
Color palette

The European Magazine: Single Page Ad
Pure swiss living
Every season, Sarbach launched an ad in the European magazine to advertise their business for international audience, especially wealthy seniors. This year, they wanted to refurbish their style while showcasing the information and property photos. To that end, I utilized the appealing Swiss landscape and exciting outdoor activities as the key vision to demonstrate the typical living environment in Switzerland. The lines and types together built a geometric form, which should be catchy and distinguished from other ads.